Picture of Leonardo G de Oliveira

Leonardo G de Oliveira
Software Engineer

I am a passionate software engineer based in Brazil, dedicated to the realms of programming and design. With a strong focus on JavaScript since 2018, I bring extensive experience in crafting online platforms using modern technologies.



Invest in your business success

Websites have become an integral part of modern life, providing numerous benefits that allows to personal, professional, and organizational success.

Online Presence
Websites provide a virtual presence for businesses and individuals, allowing them to be accessible 24/7 to a global audience.
Increased Reach
With a website, you can reach a broader audience beyond your local area. People from different geographical locations can access your website, potentially expanding your customer base.
Credibility and Professionalism
Having a well-designed and functional website enhances your credibility and professionalism. It allows you to present information about your business or organization in a structured and reliable manner, instilling trust in your audience.
Competitive Advantage
Having a well-designed and user-friendly website is a competitive advantage. It helps differentiate your business from competitors and attracts potential customers who value the convenience and accessibility offered by a website.

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Job Experiences

My previous experiences